Drowning Prevention Week, 21st – 29th June 2014
Top tips on how to ensure that your child is water safe this summer : )
With the summer holidays around the corner, many of us will be heading off for our annual summer vacation to spend fun time at the beach or by a pool. However as accidental drowning is the 3rd highest cause of death in young children, we wanted to provide you with some top tips to keep your children safe:
- Make sure your child can swim – regular swim lessons are not only fun but give your child essential life saving skills
- Only swim at life-guarded pools and beaches and ensure children are supervised at all times
- Take notice of warning signs. If abroad, water safety signage can be different so find out what local warning flags and signs mean
- Check the tides before you swim and make sure you won’t get cut off from the beach by the rising tide
- Safety at home is important too – ensure that paddling pools and buckets are emptied
Teach your children the importance of water safety and particularly never to enter the water to try to save someone – call 999 for assistance.
So for safer dips, please take care to follow our water-safety tips, and help ensure your vacation goes swimmingly!
Happy holidays!
Vic & Helen
PS. There is loads of further information on staying safe at: drowningpreventionweek.org.uk