Vic 07855 805940
Helen 07968 914013

We are looking for Swimming Teachers to join our team


Vic Forman, Little Swim Company

We are looking for swimming teachers to join our team.

Our swimming lessons in North Somerset are proving so popular, that we are looking for energetic, fun and enthusiastic swimming teachers to join the team.

We teach Monday, Wednesday and Friday after school and Saturday mornings. You don’t have to be an expert swimmer, but if you love swimming and feel that you could inspire children to do the same, please get in contact with Vic or myself.

How to train as a swimming teacher / What qualifications do I require to become a swimming teacher?

If you are interested in training as a swimming teacher, the first place to look for information on the training & qualifications required is the Amatuer Swimming Association (ASA) or Swimming Teachers Association (STA). Both run their own programme of training which typically include 2 levels, which I have outlined below.

STA Award & Certificate

The STA run courses all over the country and each course takes approximately 4-5 days to complete. In order to take the STA Award you must also have completed a PEP Award (Swimming Pool Rescue Skills), but this is often incorporated on the first day of the STA Award course.

STA Award aims to produce teachers that can teach up to 10 beginners and can also act as an assistant swimming teacher and can teach larger classes or advanced skills under the direct supervision of a swimming teacher qualified to certificate level.


STA Certificate aims to prepare holders to teach, without supervision pupils of all levels.


ASA UKCC Level 1 & 2 Award

ASA UKCC Level 1 Award (QCF)  – The first qualification you require for any discipline is the ASA LEvel 1 Award. If successful at Level 1 you can then proceed to Level 2. Both these levels focus on ‘how to teach/coach’ and ‘what to teach/coach’ The holder of an ASA Level 1 Award is qualified to teach / coach in a support role only.


 ASA UKCC Level 2 Certificate (QCF) – to work on you own without supervision (other than lifeguarding cover) you will be required to hold an ASA Level 2 Certificate. This will provide you with the skills, knowledge, tools and techniques to effectively plan, prepare and deliver teacher / coaching sessions.


Between these two courses, I would recommend getting as much experience as possible by volunteering either down at your local swimming club or sports centre. This is one of the best opportunities you will have to learn from other teachers. Seeing other teachers teach is not only great for picking up teaching practises, but also to learn of games / fun activities you can use to improve your lessons.

Happy teaching 🙂