Vic 07855 805940
Helen 07968 914013

Mummyzilla’s Swimming Blog

Wow, it seems the end of an era.  Only a year ago we took our tentative steps into the pool with the lovely Vic & Helen.  A year on with a lot of laughter, fun and splashing the little ones have wibble wobbled on the jelly board, chased fish round the pool, swam underwater through hoops and even performed their own photo shoot.

Poor Daddy’s perception of parenthood was changed when he had to trot around in the pool with daughter sandwiched between him and a flotation  pole, both clinging on – daughter to keep afloat and Daddy to his sanity singing ‘Horsey, horsey,don’t you stop’!

Joking aside, Vic and Helen’s lessons are structured, safe and above all fun.  The reason we chose Vic and Helen was that we wanted our daughter not to be frightened of the water and with Vic and Helen, nothing is forced.  Repetition builds up the child’s confidence and it’s great that the parents don’t have to be great swimmers too – another reason for introducing our daughter so early on.

All in all, it has been a great family activity to do together at the weekend.  You couldn’t wish for a better pair of instructors as both have young families of their own. With their swimming skills and warm and friendly personalities, it makes for winning combination.

Looking forward to seeing you back in the pool in September Vic and Helen

Mummyzilla Wendy, Daddy Dan & Olivia xxx