Vic 07855 805940
Helen 07968 914013



seaWelcome to our blog. We must admit this is a first for both of us and didn’t even know what a blog was until fairly recently.

We do however have a massive amount of enthusiasm for all things to do with swimming, from discovering fantastic new products, to helpful hints and new water sports for you and your family to try out.

So our plan is to let you know about the things that we chat and laugh about in our coffee breaks (which our accountant tells us there are too many of) and to keep you informed of any new local information / offers to do with children. So if you have anything you think our clients would like to know about, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with either Vic or myself.

We will keep things short, fun and informative, so please look out for our upcoming blogs:
RLSS Drowning Prevention Week at Wrington School, Long summer days at the beach (hopefully) and Bristol’s exciting plans for a Wavegarden.

– Helen